Thursday, September 26, 2013

To Grasp Eternity

This past week I started back up at work. The adjustment has put me into a sentimental state. I find myself watching pictures of my dear family shuffle across my computer desktop and my heart feels full.  But at the same time, things begin to feel a bit overwhelming.

As I adjust to balancing work life and home life, I'm not worried about meeting the physical needs of my home or children, but this job as a parent goes so much deeper than that. I find myself reading a quick devotion on my phone while feeding Cayden and I am in awe in my responsibilities.  I've been entrusted with the eternity of my little loves.  Eternity. 

Now don't get me wrong, I know that I accomplish nothing for the Kingdom apart from the work of Jesus. I am completely incapable of giving my children the gift of eternal life. But. I'm at the frontlines.  I am fighting for their salvation by teaching them, setting an example for them, and bringing the joy of Christ into our home always. 

As an imperfect being I don't have it all figured out. In fact, I know I'm falling short in many areas as a mother and a Christian. But with God's grace, a footprint is still being left.  And each morning I intend to let it all sink in again.  Each day I can start by remembering my complete dependence on my Savior. And each day this body will breathe prayers for these little souls entrusted to me.

Photo Credits to Gina at

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